Lauren Shurtleff
Real Estate Development Advisor

Lauren Shurtleff joined TSG in January 2023 after 15 years with the Boston Planning & Development Agency, most recently as its Director of Planning. Lauren is currently working with a number of private, public and institutional clients, providing a range of professional consultant services with a focus on urban planning and real estate development. This work includes offering guidance on land use, zoning and entitlements, public process and community engagement, urban development, public policy, market trends, and best practices.

While with the BPDA, Lauren managed the team that oversaw planning and zoning initiatives, leading to over 42M square feet of development and $22B in investment from 2019-2022. Lauren coordinated the planning and development review functions of the BPDA and served as the lead on a number of planning initiatives and projects, including the air rights planning and associated project review for both the Central Artery/Rose Kennedy Greenway and the Massachusetts Turnpike, the Christian Science Plaza Master Plan, station-area planning over North, South, and Back Bay Stations, and Winthrop Square. She also served for many years as a neighborhood planner, working with constituents across many of Boston’s communities.

Prior to the BPDA, Lauren spent two years with a public outreach consultancy in New York City, providing engagement assistance to City and State-led transportation and infrastructure projects.

Lauren holds a Master of Sciences from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Arts from Boston College. Lauren and her family reside in East Boston.